Firstly, I will be making some posts regarding real life activities I do regarding the creation of a network. Chances are I will be using IPCop and trying to create a network in the classroom for my peers to test out. This would be a great experience and I would feel much satisfaction from their use. My teacher suggests that I do not transmit the SSID so people going about with laptops don't get in on our network. Additionally, there is a Cisco lab available for me to use, and that's great! I will be using that for sure.
Secondly, I will start messing around with cables, maybe when I start my sections for ethernet then it will be a good idea to do it. When I get to that point my teacher would like me to test some of the cables or perhaps make some of them usable, which is great information to know for a tech.
Finally, you should anticipate me uploading photos of me doing this stuff with explanations as to what I'm doing. However, this might take a bit longer so maybe I will do posts every other day by that point (hopefully it doesn't come to that.) So I have a good plan as to what I will be doing in the near future.
In conclusion, this is meant to let you know what I will do the rest of the year, give you a general idea what will happen and what my set-up is. Stay tuned folks, there is a lot to come!
The big idea is to use your blog as a "technical journal" which has information in that you yourself want to revisit. One good measure of the success of your technical journal will be the number of times you revisit posts you've made to look up important information or to review a process you documented there.