Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week 9: Day 026 - The Grand Project #1: Kodi and Rasberry Pi

If you're wondering what happened to me for most of last week, this entry is going to answer all those questions. Basically, I've become part of a project at the Career Center, where a car will be made from scratch, and basically become a cool entertainment-mobile so to speak. It'll have a couple Xboxs and a Raspberry Pi which will be another entertainment device. I'm working with my peers Marco and Shams who were the main members of the project with the Raspberry Pi. When they had trouble getting it hooked up to the Internet, I helped them out, and sort of assembled into their project.   

Firstly, the Raspberry Pi is using OSMC, along with Kodi. Since I've had previous experience with Kodi, this has been less difficult than it could have been. Basically, what we've done is set up the Raspberry Pi so it works with our new workstation. Afterwards, we got into Kodi, got a nice skin, great stuff.

Next, I got the largest repository you could possibly get, onto Kodi. With that, I was able to get some great addons, so happy days! Later, the guy running the project, Mr. Nolen, showed me what the car looked like. It's honestly a BMW rustbucket haha. Apparently they're gonna rip out the dashboard, put in a new one, and we will implement the entertainment system.

My friend Marco has found out how to ssh into the system, showed me how, great stuff! It will be useful for our lazy selves in the future, but I think we should probably get a remote, cause that will give it an extra notch of cool. We tried to get some music playing, but it was being annoying and decided not to work, so Marco just transferred a file from his computer which contained Halloween songs. I guess he's in the spirit of Halloween.

Finally, we went to the IT guy of this school, and he handed us a USB DVD Drive. We were kind of shocked that they would just hand stuff like that out, I mean I know this is for an important project, but it's not everyday you see something like that. That's pretty much what we did for a lot of last week and on Monday, except put into brief paragraphs. On that bombshell, thanks for reading, and goodbye.

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